Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day is here...

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Today is Blog Action Day. I took time today to discuss with my students ways in which we can impact on the environment. In particular we discussed "Reusing and Recycling". We read from a couple of books about ways in which we can do our part to diminish the amount of garbage in landfills. The children shared thoughts of things they would like to try out at home. We tried to set realistic goals. Check out our blog to see the ideas the children came up with....Blog Action Day (Kindergarten Tales). I tired to let them know that through their small hands...BIG things can happen.

1 comment:

Bling4yrblog said...

Hi Cindy

Sorry I am so long in getting back to you. I have been off work and didn't notice your comment.

I have children write on the whiteboard when they want to add to their blog and they just go and do it at their own pace and I cross their name off when they are done.

Sometimes I have half the class blog at once as we have a pod of 12 laptops that I can have in the classroom all at the same time.

Usually I only have access to two computers in a full time basis.